Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's

The day of Poisson d'Avril. Or so my mechanics teacher says. The Japanese one that I'm quite sure speaks better French than he does English. But yeah.

Not a bad day. Hell, it's a rather good week so far. Little work in comparison to the last few weeks in addition to numerous amusements. This morning, in between the aforementioned Intermediate Mechanics class and the ever-loathed Public Speaking class, I got to witness the VT Flash Mob's latest event. Walking to class afterwards, the small group of newspaper-wielding students scurrying off in the distance, I could only smile.

Public Speaking was spent paying little attention to people's speeches whilst slipping in and out of daydreams. And from there I had my usual lunch break of sorts, lasting just under two hours. I spent the first half checking out a technology showcase being held in Squires (our student center) and got to see and play with lots of muchly nifty gadgets. For one, the MacBook Air, in all its thin multi-touch goodness. For two, a Dell tablet computer which not only supported pens but could be used as a touch screen! What I expected for the first, surprisingly cool for the second. Also, John's parent company, Sun Microsystems (get it? 'cause his dad works for them), was next to the Microsoft booth--highly disappointing, as one would think--so I got chat with the guys there. Didn't really learn much, but still, always good to meet new people.

Lazy day from there on. A seemingly short class (data structures, so easy stuff) and then the rest of the afternoon was spent in Tim's room. Mainly watching John and him switch off on Call of Duty 4, which is actually as good as everyone says. If you are in any way a video game fan do yourself a favor and buy it. Seriously. Even I think it's good, and I'm rather picky about games.

*phew* right, with that endorsement behind us, let's continue.

So in my free time--hah! so much of that this week--I've been reading Ender's Shadow* and finishing up that long blog post I said I was doing. After nearly two weeks of writing I finished the post, though some editing remains (do watch for it in the coming days), whereas after three days I'm a little over one hundred pages from the end of Ender's Shadow. And boy, I'd almost forgotten just how much I absolutely adore that book. It's been years since I last read it and that time has definitely made it a better read. Going through I can really appreciate the logic and psychology and "battles of wit" that go on constantly. Very much my kind of book.

That's all for now. Actually, I shall leave you with one last thing: penguins take flight!

*Part of the Ender series, including Ender's Game which, if you haven't read, go out right now and kindly do so.

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